Powerful model management
Managing tens, hundreds, or thousands of models, projects, and resources is now easy with the help of Depot.
Organize all your Resources in Projects, for easy navigation, organization printing, and tracking.
Every 3D project has a LOT of resources. Gather them together in a single place, easy to find, navigate, sort, and use.
As you change, modify, design, and/or print your projects, keep a record of various Events, from prints, to changes, to uploads, all within Depot.
Markdown is fully supported to allow you to document and record, all actions, details, and notes, with fantastic markdown syntax.
Built for you
I bet you have STL files, USDZ, GCode, READMEs, and all kinds of files all over your Mac, just waiting to be organized so you don't lose them. Downloading fun stuff from Thingiverse? Yep, toss 'em in to Depot, and you will never lose them again!